Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Relationships and love

I just got out of a relationship very recently, I felt my girlfriend belonged somewhere else and usually I put my ego in defense and try to hold on to them, but this time I opened up and let her go. I see that she will be happier on the path she goes and she doesn't have to worry about hurting me later on if we stayed together.
I feel really alone and that I still needed more time with her before I was fully ready to let go, but also I feel that I probably never would have been ready.
I'm just in a real bad place right now and its starting me to question all my relationships, every girl I dated, after me, they went on and got married and have happy families now, which I wish I had with them. I've been feeling like an emotional stepping stone that leads these people to finding them selves and their true loves and I just don't want to be that anymore, and having a hard time coming to terms or believing that that just might be my fate.

Your perspective focusing outwards at the past women you've dated and where they are now is a bit limited. I say its limited because you may not know what their marriages are built upon. Let me give an example. Imagine that you want to move into a single family home. All the houses that you can picture yourself being in are all based on what you've seen just by driving past them. You don't know what type of building materials contributed to building the house nor what materials were used for the foundation of the house. The foundation of the house is the most important in building a house since the whole entire house rest upon it. Without knowledge of the foundation you could move into an unstable house.

Look at your experiences as ways to learn more about yourself. Perhaps, the women you've dated entered and exited your life for you to learn something. Perhaps, your experiences with them were for you to look inwards to see what you're missing. Perhaps, they were in your life for you to turn inwards to improve your self-relationship and to remember to love yourself. Perhaps, you fear being alone and this fear is what makes you hold on tightly to the past women you've been in a relationship with. Perhaps, the questions are starting for you to recognize that your inner self wants to be in a loving relationship as well. When you're able to love yourself, you'll able to share your love with someone else. Maybe this alone time is for you to learn more about Kyle Pratt and to start answering your own questions.

Perhaps, this is a time for you to assess what materials you contribute to building a foundation with other women. When you assess your own foundation be honest with yourself. Let your emotions and fears surface so they can be healed with the love that has been wanting to flow throughout your being. If you have to yell...yell. If you have to cry...cry. If you have to growl...growl. Don't ignore your emotions or try to overlook them, let them surface so you can release them. If you don't release then you will continue to attract experiences that will allow your emotions to surface and release.

So I would shift your perspective inwards instead of outwards and focus on building your own foundation with the building blocks of love within. So when the time presents itself, you can contribute to building a house (building a relationship) with a women with materials of love and not fear.

Source: http://indigosociety.com/showthread.php?70493-Relationships-and-love

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