Thursday, November 29, 2012

Everplans Walks You Through All the Steps Needed to Deal with Death (Yours or Someone You Know)

Everplans Walks You Through All the Steps Needed to Deal with Death (Yours or Someone You Know)Everplans is a site that can help you get through all the steps needed to deal with that universal topic?death?at any stage, whether you are comforting someone who's grieving, have to make funeral arrangements, or want to set up important documents for your family.

Long before you die and especially if you're approaching the end of your life, you probably want to make sure your family members aren't stressed or burdened more than they need to be. Everplans outlines step-by-step what you need to do for both of those stages (e.g., write a will, name a power of attorney, get life insurance) along with helpful related articles and tools. For example, there's a checklist for documents you should organize and share (a topic we think is pretty vital).

Everplans also has advice for if you're helping someone else with end-of-life issues or if you need to take care of funeral arrangements and similar logistics. A Funeral Update tool is in the works to let family and friends know about events like wakes or funeral details.

All in all, it's a great resource that can help reduce stress for everyone during a very emotional, difficult time. As Meetup CEO Scott Heiferman says, it's "for anyone who will die someday?or knows someone who will..."

Everplans | via Scott Heiferman


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